@echo off rem Alan dot Kaplan at va dot GOV rem 9-7-12 SetLocal set PCName=%1 if %PCName%z==/?z goto Syntax if /i %PCName%z==/hz goto Syntax if %PCName%z==z ( cls Call :Syntax echo Press Ctrl-C or close window to quit, otherwise pause cls echo Abort SCCM initiated reboot on what computername? set /p PCName=[ENTER for localhost, %COMPUTERNAME%]: ) cls if %PCName%z==z ( echo Trying to abort SCCM restart on this computer ... taskkill /f /im SMSCliUI.exe ) Else ( echo Trying to abort SCCM restart on %PCName% ... taskkill /s %PCName% /f /im SMSCliUI.exe ) goto :EOF :Syntax cls Echo %~nx0 will abort an SCCM initiated software installation echo reboot by killing the SMSCliUI.exe task on a local or remote computer. echo This is a temporary reprieve and the computer should be restarted Echo as soon as practicable. Echo. Echo You must run this with admin rights. echo. echo You can run this script with the computer name as a parameter, Ex: echo %~nx0 %COMPUTERNAME% echo. :EOF ENDLocal