'RemotePing.vbs 'Alan Kaplan alan dot kaplan at va dot gov 12/5/2005 'Does an ping from a remote XP/2003 system to another address 'GUI or command line syntax: 'Host/target can be name or IP ' RemotePing /H:remotehost /T:Target [/N:number of pings] ' Ex: RemotePing /h:MyDC /t: /n:4 ' Ex: remoteping /h:XPWS /t:AnyPC Option Explicit On Error Resume Next Const wbemFlagReturnImmediately = &h10 Const wbemFlagForwardOnly = &h20 Dim WshShell, i Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Dim arrReturns() Dim strquery, colItems, objItem, strIP Dim message, strHost, strTarget, iPingCount Dim oWMI, iLossPct, strResolved Dim newArray, iMax, iMin, iAv, iSleep, iNoReply, bGUI, iKeepOpen bGUI = False iNoReply = 0 'You can edit this... iKeepOpen = 30 'Delay in seconds before closing window opend by GUI iSleep = 1 'delay in seconds between pings. Decimal value (ex: .5) is okay 'End optional edits If (Not IsCScript()) Then 'If not CScript, re-run with cscript, preserving args Dim quote, strArgs quote=chr(34) For i = WScript.Arguments.Count -1 to 0 Step -1 strArgs = WScript.Arguments(i) & Space(1) & strArgs Next 'Added cmd /k to keep window open when done WshShell.Run "cmd /k CScript.exe " & quote & WScript.ScriptFullName & quote & space(1) & strArgs, 1, True WScript.Quit '...and stop running as WScript End If 'Convert time between ping to sleep units iSleep = iSleep * 1000 GetArgs 'add a line for readablity WScript.Echo VbCrLf 'Set array to number of pings ReDim arrReturns(iPingCount-1) 'Connect to remote system WMI Set oWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strHost & "\root\CIMV2") If Err <> 0 Then MsgBox "WMI error from " & strHost & ". This could be a security issue.", _ vbCritical + vbOKOnly,"Error" WScript.Quit End If 'Check OS of remote host before starting... If GoodVersion Then wscript.Echo "Pinging " & strTarget &" from " &_ strHost & " with 32 bytes of data:" & VbCrLf For i = 0 To iPingCount -1 Ping(strTarget) WScript.Sleep iSleep Next 'Sort, then get max and min return time newArray = Sort(arrReturns) iMax = newArray(ubound(newarray)) iMin = newArray(lbound(newarray)) 'Get Average Return times For i = 0 To UBound(newArray) iAv = iAv + newArray(i) Next iAv = cint(iAv / (UBound(newArray)+1)) 'avoid division by zero If iNoReply > 0 Then iLossPct = formatpercent((iNoReply/iPingCount),0) Else iLossPct = "0%" End If If strIP = "" Then strIP = strTarget 'results message = VbCrLf & "Ping statistics for " & strIP If Len(strResolved) > 0 Then message = message & " [" & strResolved & "]: " End If message = message & VbCrLf & " Packets: Sent = "& iPingCount & _ ", Received = " & iPingCount - iNoReply & _ ", Lost = " & iNoReply & " (" & iLossPct & " loss)" If iNoReply = 0 then message = message & "," & VbCrLf & _ "Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: " & VbCrLf & _ " Minimum = "& iMin &"ms, Maximum = "& iMax &"ms, Average = " & iAv & "ms" End If WScript.Echo message Else msgbox strHost & " does not support remote ping.",vbCritical + vbOKOnly,"Error" End If If bGUI Then WScript.Echo VbCrLf & "Keeping window open for " & iKeepOpen & " seconds. " & _ "You may close it when ready." & VbCrLf & "(This line does not appear if you use command line.)" WScript.Sleep iKeepOpen * 1000 End If ' ========== Subs and Function ============== Function GoodVersion() Dim strVersion 'Quick check for OS ver > 5.0 Set colItems = oWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT version FROM Win32_OperatingSystem", "WQL", _ wbemFlagReturnImmediately + wbemFlagForwardOnly) For Each objItem In colItems strVersion = objItem.version Next If Left(strVersion,3) > 5 Then GoodVersion = True Else GoodVersion = False End If End Function Function Ping(strTarget) 'Note syntax in query to get address and resolved name strquery = "SELECT * FROM Win32_PingStatus where " & _ " ResolveAddressNames = 'True' and address = '" & strTarget & "'" Set colItems = oWMI.ExecQuery(strQuery, "WQL", _ wbemFlagReturnImmediately + wbemFlagForwardOnly) For Each objItem In colItems If objitem.PrimaryAddressResolutionStatus <> 0 Then MsgBox "Host not found or name failed to resolve.", _ vbCritical + vbOKOnly,strTarget WScript.Quit End If strIP = objitem.ProtocolAddress strResolved = ucase(objitem.protocoladdressresolved) If strIP <> "" Then 'Add response time to array with returns arrReturns(i) = objItem.ResponseTime If objItem.ResponseTime > 0 Then WScript.Echo "Reply from " & strIP & _ ": bytes="& objItem.ReplySize & " time=" & objItem.ResponseTime &_ "ms TTL=" & objItem.ResponseTimeToLive Else WScript.Echo "Reply from " & strIP & _ ": bytes="& objItem.ReplySize & " time=<1ms TTL=" & objItem.ResponseTimeToLive End If Else 'put zero into return time arrReturns(i) = 0 iNoReply = iNoReply + 1 WScript.Echo "Request timed out." End If Next End Function Sub GetArgs() 'handle optional argument, wrong count, etc. Dim argCount argCount = WScript.Arguments.Count Select Case argCount Case 2 strHost = WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("H") strTarget = WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("T") iPingCount = 4 Case 3 strHost = WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("H") strTarget = WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("T") iPingCount = WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("N") Case 0 bGUI = True message = "Enter the name or IP of the remote computer that will initiate the ping." & _ VbCrLf & VbCrLf & "(Remote system must be Windows 2003 or Windows XP, " & _ " and you must have admin rights for WMI query.):" strHost = wshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%COMPUTERNAME%") strHost = InputBox(message,"Ping From",strHost) If strHost = "" Then WScript.Quit strTarget = InputBox("Enter the computer name or IP address to ping:","Ping To") If strTarget = "" Then WScript.Quit iPingCount = InputBox("Ping count","Count",4) If iPingCount = "" Then WScript.Quit Case Else message = "RemotePing does a ping from a remote XP/2003 system to another address." & _ " You must be an administrator with rights for WMI query on the remote host PC. " & _ " It has a GUI and command line support: " & VbCrLf & VbCrLf & _ "The host and target can be name or IP. Default ping count is 4. Syntax: " & VbCrLf & VbCrLf & _ "RemotePing /H:remotehost /T:Target [/N:number of pings]" & VbCrLf & _ "Ex: RemotePing /h:MyDC /t: /n:4" & VbCrLf & _ "Ex: remoteping /h:XPWS /t:AnyPC" MsgBox message,vbInformation + vbOKOnly,"RemotePing Syntax" WScript.Quit End Select strHost = UCase(strHost) strTarget = UCase(strTarget) End Sub Function Sort(arrSort) 'yet another bubble sort. Not mine Dim j, temp for i = UBound(arrSort) - 1 To 0 Step -1 for j= 0 to i if arrSort(j)>arrSort(j+1) Then temp=arrSort(j+1) arrSort(j+1)=arrSort(j) arrSort(j)=temp end if Next Next Sort = arrSort End Function Function IsCScript() If (InStr(UCase(WScript.FullName), "CSCRIPT") <> 0) Then IsCScript = True Else IsCScript = False End If End Function