@TimeRightsForAll.cmd command file begins @echo off ::Alan Kaplan www.akaplan.com/tools.html ::This file grants the right to change system time to "Everyone" ::for list of workstations in 'DIRNAME'. ::The list can be generated using WorkstationList.vbs ::You must edit this file to show correct name. :***Edit Here*** cd /d c:\DIRNAME :***End Edit*** if errorlevel = 1 goto syntax for %%f in (*.*) do \\ntreskitpath\ntreskit$\NTRights -m \\%%f -u Everyone +r SeSystemtimePrivilege >> c:\util\time.log goto end :syntax cls echo This file grants the right to change system time to "Everyone" echo for list of workstations in 'DIRNAME'. You must edit echo this file to show correct name. pause :end