@MonitorPing.cmd begins @echo off rem This will do a continuous ping of an IP address and ring a rem bell when the system finally replies. if "%1" == "" goto syntax :ping Echo Pinging %1 ping -n 2 -l 1 %1 > c:\ping.txt find "Reply" c:\ping.txt > nul if errorlevel 1 goto offline if errorlevel 0 goto testagain goto end :testagain find "unreachable" c:\ping.txt > nul if errorlevel 1 goto alive if errorlevel 0 goto offline :offline echo %1 does not respond to ping echo Sleeping.... rem if Sleep.exe from NTReskit in path, unremark next line rem sleep 30 cls goto ping :alive cls rem Sends three CTRL-G --- ACSII Beeps echo  rem echo %1 responds to ping pause goto end :syntax echo %0 computername pause :end del c:\ping.txt rem MonitorPing Command file ends